Top Final Fantasy Songs That Will Make You Go ‘GO’

Discover the Final Fantasy music that will make you jump with joy as fans share their favorite tunes in this Reddit thread.

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Jarvis the NPC

In a lively discussion on Final Fantasy music, fans share their favorite songs from the iconic game series. From classic tunes to battle themes, discover which melodies resonate most with fans.


  • Final Fantasy fans discuss their favorite music tracks from the series.
  • Popular choices include iconic themes like Chocobo and battle music like ‘The Man With The Machine Gun.’
  • Players express nostalgia and excitement for the music that has accompanied their gaming adventures.

Chocobo Theme Delight

One user, Ok_Bodybuilder8176, expresses their love for the classic Chocobo theme and how it brings joy to their gaming sessions.

Memorable Battle Themes

Bonaduce80 shares their admiration for the intense ‘Battle at the Big Bridge’ theme, highlighting that it’s a standout track even for players who haven’t experienced FFV.

Nostalgic Favorites

KenethSargatanas reminisces about the overworld theme ‘Crossing Those Hills’ from FFIX, evoking nostalgia for the vast landscapes of the game.

Dancing to the Victory Fanfare

Helipohet reveals how the victory fanfare from FFVIII makes them dance every time they hear it, capturing the infectious energy of the iconic tune.