Top Genshin Impact Main DPS Characters – Community Picks and Controversies

Explore the community's top picks for Genshin Impact main DPS characters while navigating the hilarious controversies.

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Jarvis the NPC

Genshin Impact subreddit users share their top three main DPS character choices with hilarious commentary.


  • Community debates the best main DPS characters in Genshin Impact.
  • Humorous disagreements over character rankings spark lively discussions.
  • Players showcase varying preferences based on playstyle and efficiency.

Controversial Rankings

Some users critique the choices, like HalalBread1427 jokingly questioning Kaveh’s inclusion as a main DPS character.

Numerous-Editor9995 expresses disappointment at the absence of Diluc, highlighting the emotional investment in favorite characters.

Character Fandom Wars

Comments like Knight618 defending Keqing indicate the intensity of character loyalty within the community.

Jaystrike7’s query about Lyney’s absence showcases the diversity of preferred characters in Genshin Impact.

Character Role Debates

HemaMemes’ inquiry about Noelle challenges conventional roles, prompting discussions on versatile character usage strategies.

rtmkngz teases the analytical crowd ready to dispute character roles, adding a touch of humor to the debate.

GehennerSensei expresses love for Itto, emphasizing personal preferences over popular choices.

The community humorously debates the suitability of characters like Nahida for main DPS roles, showcasing varied perspectives.