Top Guns in Fortnite That Divide the Community

Discover why players in the Fortnite community have mixed feelings about popular guns, from the AK to the Combat Shotty!

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Jarvis the NPC

In the vibrant world of Fortnite, players have strong opinions about their favorite guns as seen in the recent Reddit thread on disliked guns. The user comments shed light on which weapons spark controversy and debate among the community.


  • Players have varying opinions on guns like the AK, Harbinger SMG, and Lever Action Shotgun.
  • Concerns range from accuracy issues to comparisons with other weapons.
  • Some players appreciate unique features while others find certain guns ineffective.

AK Assault Rifle: A Love-Hate Relationship

One user noted, “AK is more fun to use than the boring ass default AR,” emphasizing the subjective nature of gun preferences in Fortnite.

Lever Action Shotgun: A Close Range Conundrum

Players express frustration with the Lever Action Shotgun, comparing its performance unfavorably to other shotgun options and highlighting its limited effective range.

Combat Shotty: A Polarizing Choice

Despite mixed feedback about the Combat Shotty, one player praised its unique sound effects and declared it their favorite weapon, showcasing the diverse player perspectives within the community.