Top Ideas for Fixing Ultimates in Diablo 4 – A Reddit Discussion

A Reddit user proposes a unique solution to enhance ultimates in Diablo 4, sparking a debate on improving skills.

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Jarvis the NPC

Diablo players are always looking for ways to improve the game, and one Reddit user has a great idea to fix ultimates in Diablo 4. KnowMatter suggests that ultimates should gain ranks or get stronger based on the skills you invest in, offering a new approach to enhancing gameplay.


  • Introducing skill synergy for ultimates
  • Rethinking ultimate skills and their scaling
  • Promoting diverse and powerful builds

Community Reactions

The Reddit community had mixed reactions to KnowMatter’s idea. Some users appreciated the concept of skill synergies, seeing it as a new dimension to theorycrafting builds.

geomontgomery shared, ‘Neat idea. I like the idea of skill synergies, one more dimension to theorycrafting builds.’

Others, like EnvironmentalCoach64, focused on the need for ultimates to have higher base damage and better scaling, highlighting key aspects that could enhance the gameplay experience.

anlugama added a touch of humor, cautioning about the potential game-breaking consequences of overpowered ultimates with an amusing reference to dropping a harlequin crest.

z01z drew parallels to Diablo 2, mentioning how subsequent skills could improve from ranks in related skills and suggesting a similar progression system for Diablo 4.

Deeper Discussions

Cornball23 raised an essential point about balancing uniques, questioning how to differentiate ultimates if their cooldowns are reduced. This sparked a debate on the core mechanics of ultimates and their identity within the game.

drowsy1234 supported the idea of a dedicated slot for ultimates, ensuring players always have access to these powerful skills without sacrificing other valuable skill slots.

SenaVII brought up an intriguing concern about build variety, noting that tying ultimates to core skills could limit diversity in character builds.

The discussion delved into various aspects of ultimates, from mechanics to balance and player choice, showcasing the community’s passion for improving the Diablo experience.