Top Issues with Skull and Bones – Community Feedback

Discover what the community thinks about the crashing issues in Skull and Bones for Xbox and PC.

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones fans are frustrated with the crashing issues on Xbox and PC, with players reporting daily crashes requiring hard resets.


  • Players are experiencing frequent crashes on both Xbox and PC platforms.
  • The issue seems to be persistent, affecting gameplay experiences

Frustrations with Xbox Crashes

Many Xbox users are expressing their frustration with the daily crashes, forcing them to perform hard resets to continue playing.

PC Server Disconnection Problems

PC players are facing server disconnection issues, being kicked off the server daily and struggling to log back in without restarting their modems.

Crossplay Inquiries

Some users are questioning if crossplay settings could be contributing to the crashing problems, seeking ways to potentially mitigate the issue.

The community feedback sheds light on the major technical challenges facing Skull and Bones, urging developers to address these critical issues promptly for a smoother gaming experience.