Top Quality-of-Life Changes Tekken Fans Want to See Implemented

Discover what Tekken fans are clamoring for in terms of game improvements for a smoother gaming experience.

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Jarvis the NPC

In a recent Tekken subreddit post, users shared their wishlist of quality-of-life changes they hope to see implemented in the game.


  • Players desire a smoother user experience with changes like faster menu navigation and enhanced practice mode options.
  • Community requests range from simple quality-of-life enhancements to more elaborate gameplay adjustments.
  • The sentiment leans towards positive as fans express constructive criticism and suggestions for improvement.

Feasible Changes: Fan Thoughts

One user suggested adding Sound Settings in Practice mode for a better audio experience during gameplay. Another emphasized the need for better practice tools to facilitate matchup learning beyond Punishment Training.

Character Customization and Replays

Users expressed the desire for more character customization slots and presets, alongside the ability to save and view replays conveniently post-match. These features could significantly enhance the player experience in Tekken.

Gameplay Adjustments and Community Input

Gameplay-related adjustments, like reverting neutral guard back to its T7 state and fixing inconsistencies in certain character moves, were also mentioned. Community feedback highlighted the importance of addressing gameplay issues for a more balanced experience.

The Tekken community’s wishlist sheds light on the fans’ dedication to the game and their desire to see it evolve for the better. From minor tweaks to significant gameplay adjustments, players are invested in making Tekken a more enjoyable and seamless gaming experience.