Top Tekken DLC Requests from the Reddit Community

Discover what Tekken fans are clamoring for in the realm of DLC content. Who will make the cut?

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Jarvis the NPC

Teasing out Tekken fans’ deepest desires for DLC characters is always an exhilarating adventure through the realm of imagination and nostalgia. The community’s eclectic mix of picks showcases a blend of reverence for iconic figures and a dash of unexpected whimsy.


  • The community remains divided between classic Tekken character reappearances and unexpected guest additions.
  • Speculation runs rife with wishful inclusions like Roger, Mr. Rogers, Heihachi, and Mokujin.
  • The mention of crossover characters like Sephiroth and Kamen Rider injects a sense of excitement.

Classic Characters Reign Supreme

The sentiment surrounding nostalgic picks like Roger and Heihachi is overwhelmingly positive, with users expressing their keenness to see these beloved fighters return to the fray. The desire to experience these classic characters with modern graphics and movesets resonates deeply within the community.

Crossover Fever

Conversely, the discussion around crossover characters like Sephiroth and Kamen Rider elicits a mix of excitement and skepticism. Some users revel in the idea of facing off against these iconic figures, while others raise concerns about the clash of styles and lore integration.

Unconventional Choices Spark Debate

The offbeat selections of Mr. Rogers and Mokujin ignite lively debates among fans. While some appreciate the comedic potential and unexpectedness of these choices, others question their fit within the Tekken universe. The whimsical nature of these picks adds a layer of unpredictability to the DLC wishlist.

Amidst the myriad of suggestions, one thing remains clear—Tekken fans are passionate about expanding the roster with a diverse array of characters, each bringing their unique flair to the arena.