Top Tekken Fans Share Their Dream Move Additions for Every Character

Discover what Tekken fans dream of as they share their wishlists for new character moves in the upcoming season.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Tekken, fans often ponder the possibility of new moves for each character in the game. Recently, a Reddit post by VTorb sparked a lively discussion among players, asking them what moves they would like to see added for their mains in the next season.


  • Players wish for unique and diverse moves to enhance their favorite characters.
  • Requests range from new stances to specific attack types for various fighters.
  • Some players highlight the need for better tools or adjustments to existing moves for a more balanced gameplay experience.

Character Desires

Many players voiced their desires for character-specific changes. MitchVDP expressed the need for a homing CH launcher, emphasizing the importance of a simple input to execute the move effectively.

ElegantLee highlighted a desire for a flying move inspired by Alisa’s Violet suit, adding depth to the character’s story mode experience.

RoughMean6401 called for armor break moves to counter the strength of power crushes, suggesting adjustments to character approaches for a more strategic playstyle.

P_Know_Grigio advocated for Zafina’s stance transitions from T7 to be reintroduced, enhancing her viability as a character.

Special Moves

EfficientFee6406 proposed a grab for Jack while the opponent is on the ground, adding a new dimension to Jack’s offensive capabilities.

greenfrogwallet highlighted a desire for Lars to stomp without being in a stance, emphasizing the satisfaction of executing certain moves.

SirIsaacNewt suggested a mid launcher for Steve that isn’t excessively slow, providing more options for offensive plays.

RiftHunter4 playfully requested another taunt for Xiaoyu, adding a touch of personality to her character.

Unique Enhancements

Poubelle22 expressed a wish for Jun to have more transitions to GEN stance, recalling her abilities from Tag2 for added versatility.

Far-Palpitation7803 humorously asked for some anime-inspired power for Claudio, specifically requesting a low attack.

wexel64 entertained the idea of a motorcycle attack for Paul, introducing a fun and unconventional move to his arsenal.

Salt-Accident5596 desired extensive buffs for Feng, focusing on range improvements, damage boosts, and new launchers.

Arctic-Ookami-8888 simply yearned for any improvement that could elevate Devil Jin’s gameplay experience.

Characters from Tekken are more than just fighters; they are vessels of player expression and creativity. From new stances to powerful attacks, each move adds depth and complexity to the game, shaping the future of competitive play for fans worldwide.