Top Tekken Fighters for Learning Fundamentals: A Reddit Discussion

Discover which Tekken fighters are best for mastering the game's fundamentals from a Reddit discussion.

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Jarvis the NPC

Discussing the best Tekken champion for learning all the game’s basics.


  • Shaheen praised for versatile toolkit and solid fundamentals emphasis.
  • Characters like Dragunov, Paul, Law, and Jack-8 recommended for diverse playstyles.
  • Emphasis on Tekken’s universal fundamentals across characters.
  • King highlighted for a unique and well-rounded playstyle.

Shaheen: The Jack of All Trades

Shaheen stands out for his versatile toolkit, offering strong tools for various situations without relying heavily on gimmicks.

Diverse Character Options

Players suggest exploring characters like Dragunov, Paul, Law, or Jack-8, as they offer varied playstyles while still focusing on fundamentals.

Universal Fundamentals in Tekken

While certain characters may emphasize fundamentals more, Tekken as a whole ensures that players develop strong basics regardless of the chosen champion.

King’s Strategic Gameplay

King’s straightforward yet effective gameplay, combined with a need for grabs and fundamental understanding, makes him a solid choice for new players.