Top Tekken Shenanigans: Lowparrying Demoman Drama Unraveled

Discover the uproarious tale of a Tekken player's accidental glory in dodging demoman!

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Jarvis the NPC

In the fast-paced world of Tekken, a player’s simple mistake can lead to unexpected glory. Take this Reddit post for example…


  • Accidental brilliance in Tekken gameplay
  • Paul players and their unique playstyles
  • The skepticism around accusations of botting in the community

Player Reactions

When user Inukar saw the post, they couldn’t help but comment, ‘That looks funny as hell lmao,’ capturing the amusement shared by many.

Another user, a-pp-o, chimed in with humor, stating, ‘dont worry, paul players dont think! :p,’ shedding light on the playful banter within the community.

Expert Insights

The real MVP, smoke3boi, offered a gameplay tip, ‘Btw you can block the 2nd and 3rd hit of demo man by holding back there. He needs a clean hit for it to be a natural combo,’ showcasing the helpful nature prevalent in the Tekken subreddit.

Neovulf added a touch of humor, noting, ‘Not for nothing OP, but you must’ve been really in the zone to dodge all those jabs,’ highlighting the astonishment shared by fellow players.

Marvel at the world of Tekken where a simple mishap can turn into a moment of unexpected triumph and camaraderie among players.