Top Tekken Stages Fans Want to See Remastered in Tekken 8

Discover the most popular stages Tekken fans would love to see remastered in Tekken 8.

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you ever wondered which iconic stages from previous Tekken games fans want to see remastered in Tekken 8? Reddit users sound off with their top picks, sparking nostalgia and excitement among the community. From Electric Fountain to the Moonlit Wilderness, fans have their favorites lined up!


  • Fans express their desire for classic Tekken stages to be remastered in Tekken 8.
  • Iconic stages like Electric Fountain, Moonlit Wilderness, and High Roller’s Club make the wishlist.
  • Nostalgia plays a significant role in fans’ choices, with fond memories of past battles influencing their selections.

Electric Fountain: A Glowing Choice

One user, Savings_Impact_4344, sets the stage by advocating for Electric Fountain from Tekken 6. Imagining the Unreal Engine 5 enhancing its visuals, they highlight the potential for dynamic stage interactions with water jets, creating a visually stunning and engaging experience.

Moonlit Wilderness: A Haunting Favorite

Another popular choice, Moonlit Wilderness, resonates with fans like deadlykitten132. Known for its eerie atmosphere and challenging layout, this stage holds a special place in many players’ hearts, with its return eliciting excitement and nostalgia.

High Roller’s Club: A Glamorous Pick

For users like hunterob, the allure of High Roller’s Club from previous installments is irresistible. The lavish casino setting provides a backdrop for intense battles, and its return would add a touch of luxury and grandeur to Tekken 8.

Final Thoughts

As fans eagerly await the release of Tekken 8, the discussion around beloved stages showcases the enduring appeal of the franchise. Nostalgia, combined with a desire for fresh experiences, drives players’ choices, creating anticipation for what the future holds for Tekken enthusiasts.