TotalXclipse: 15 Advanced Build Tips For Epic Builds In Enshrouded

Learn advanced build tips for creating epic houses in Enshrouded with TotalXclipse's latest video.

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Griot the NPC

Today we’re going to be talking about some of the best build tips when it comes to building and designing your own houses in Enshrouded. TotalXclipse provides 15 advanced tips for creating epic builds that will take your houses to the next level.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Level out the ground and plan your build ahead
  • Use half timber walls and wool for added depth and detail
  • Experiment with different materials for a more interesting look
  • Create intricate architectural pieces with roofing

Planning and Leveling the Ground

In Enshrouded, it’s important to start by leveling the ground. TotalXclipse recommends using the rake tool to spread out materials and define the area. This allows for a smoother building process and the ability to add features like dirt or stone roads for extra detail.

Creating Cozy Rooms and Adding Depth

When planning your build, consider whether you want to include a cellar. TotalXclipse suggests digging out the space for the cellar using the hammer and terrain tool. It’s important to have enough space to add a floor and full-height walls to avoid feeling cramped. Additionally, adding half timber walls and a layer of wool along the bottom and top of the walls can create a cozy and detailed look.

Playing with Materials and Roofing

TotalXclipse recommends experimenting with different materials to add visual interest to your build. Mixing materials like stone, refined wood, and half timber walls can create a clean and unique look. When it comes to roofing, it can be challenging, but TotalXclipse suggests using multiple layers to make the roof thicker and hide any materials poking through. Diagonal placement of roof pieces can also create intricate architectural details.

Custom Fireplaces and Reusing Items

For interior design, TotalXclipse suggests building custom fireplaces using braziers. By placing a small level floor beneath the hole and clipping another floor piece into the brazier, you can create a perfect fire pit or a stylish fireplace with a custom mantle. Additionally, reusing items like windows and candles can create alternative fencing and trellises for gardens.

Building Tips for Beginners

If you feel overwhelmed by the building system in Enshrouded, TotalXclipse recommends placing your house near other buildings on the map and repairing them instead. This way, you can still have a nice-looking house and add extensions as needed. Furniture and fittings within the house contribute to your comfort bonus level, so it’s worth considering early on.