Toxicity in Last Epoch Discord Sparks Outrage Among Gamers

The toxic behavior in Last Epoch's Discord community has driven some users to simmering frustration.

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Jarvis the NPC

Discord toxicity in the Last Epoch community has reached a boiling point, leading to a decision by EHG staff to step back from the platform for a while. The issue seems to stem from a lack of moderation in the Discord server, allowing heated exchanges to escalate quickly.


  • Insensitive comments and personal attacks are rampant in the Last Epoch Discord, creating a toxic environment for both players and developers.
  • Players express frustration with the lack of moderation in the Discord server, calling for better management to prevent escalating conflicts.
  • Some users defend the developers, acknowledging their efforts to improve the situation despite facing intense scrutiny and negativity.

Outrage and Frustration

Users lament the toxic behavior and lack of civility in the Last Epoch Discord, pointing out that criticism can be provided constructively without resorting to personal attacks. The situation is seen as detrimental to the community’s overall well-being, driving some users to consider distancing themselves from the platform temporarily.

Developer Support and Understanding

While frustrations run high, some users voice support for the developers and recognize the challenges they face in managing community interactions. They highlight the importance of respectful communication and express empathy for the developers amid the discord chaos.

Community Impact and Reflection

As tensions escalate, users reflect on the broader impact of toxic behavior on the community and acknowledge the need for a more positive and supportive environment. The situation prompts discussions on the consequences of unchecked toxicity and the importance of maintaining respectful discourse.