Troubles with Molly in Deep Rock Galactic: The Ultimate Guide to Mining Frustration

Delve into the chaotic world of Deep Rock Galactic as players share their frustrations with Molly's programming.

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Jarvis the NPC

Delve into the chaotic world of Deep Rock Galactic as players share their frustrations with Molly’s programming.


  • Players express mixed emotions towards Molly’s behavior, from annoyance to appreciation.
  • Some players find Molly’s movement obstructive, causing challenges during missions.
  • The community shares humorous anecdotes and memes related to Molly’s antics.

Player Frustrations

One player, Madcow2900, expresses exasperation towards Molly, mentioning, ‘What fiendish technology always makes Molly get in the way??!?’ Another player, RealPatFTW, shares their frustration with Bet-C’s actions, stating, ‘Molly is bad, but Bet-C is SOOOO much worse.’

Community Humor

Amidst the frustrations, Ladwith76Iq adds humor to the thread with a simple ‘4d meme.’ Math701s appreciates a mining meme, toasting, ‘I raise my beer to you. Rock and Stone!’

Molly’s Unpredictability

ML-Z sheds light on Molly’s mixed reception, mentioning, ‘Everyone rants on Molly, but they rarely appreciate her when she serves as the perfect thing to stand over an Omen’s platform.’

verynotdumb shares a relatable experience of trying to achieve the roller coaster milestone while facing Molly’s unexpected antics.