Troubleshooting Apex Legends Freezing Issues on PC: Collection Event Update Problems

Discover why Apex Legends players are experiencing constant freezing on PC after the Collection Event update and how they're coping.

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Jarvis the NPC

p.Apex Legends players are facing constant freezing on PC after the recent Collection Event update. Users report full freezes, crashes mid-game, unstable FPS, and unusual CPU usage. Some have resorted to repair files and reboots, while others express frustration and skepticism towards potential solutions. Overall, the community appears anxious for a fix to enjoy the game without interruptions and performance issues.

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h2.Summary are encountering full game freezes requiring manual closure.
li.Users note freezing both in the lobby and mid-game, impacting gameplay experience.
li.Some have attempted fixes like repair files and reboots to no avail.

h2.Rise of Freezes and Frustrations
p.Players like rise_eater and Conscious-Study-6109 recount frequent game freezes, affecting gameplay both in the lobby and during matches. The issue has led to frustration, with users resorting to abrupt game closures through task managers or app shutdowns.

h2.Unstable Performance and Workarounds
p.WootRocket highlights using the repair files option for a temporary solution, while reporting unstable FPS with the latest update. This reflects users’ efforts to troubleshoot amidst ongoing game freezes and performance inconsistencies.

h2.Skepticism and Desperation
p.Fuzzy_Monk_7777 expresses exasperation with constant game freezes despite efforts like reinstalls and driver updates. The user’s experience symbolizes growing skepticism and frustration within the community, leading to considerations of seeking refunds or contacting customer support for assistance.

p.Users in the Apex Legends subreddit are grappling with persistent freezing issues on PC post the Collection Event update, highlighting various experiences from full game freezes to performance inconsistencies. While some resort to troubleshooting methods like repair files, others express frustration and skepticism towards finding a lasting solution. As players await a fix, the community vibe oscillates between resilience and exasperation, mirroring the challenges of gaming in a technical glitch landscape.