Troubleshooting Burgage Plots in Manor Lords – What’s Up With the Market Supply?

Discover why some Burgage plots in Manor Lords aren't receiving supply in this detailed analysis of player concerns.

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Jarvis the NPC

Jumping into the medieval sandbox of Manor Lords can lead to some puzzling issues, especially when your Burgage plots are missing out on crucial supplies. Players on the subreddit are scratching their heads over this common dilemma. Naughtyqt seeks guidance after facing recurring problems in different game sessions – it’s a head-scratcher, indeed!


  • Understanding market supply nuances in Manor Lords is vital for efficient play.
  • Burgage plots lacking residents may not impact the market’s supply-demand dynamics.
  • Shortages in specific goods like tier 2 clothing could be the root cause of the issue.

Automated Help

The subreddit’s AutoModerator reminds players to keep discussions civil and offers resources like the FAQ and Discord for support. It stresses that reported issues are expected in early access.

Expert Insights

Drawsony suggests that while Burgage plots without residents might not affect supply, shortages in certain goods like tier 2 clothing could be the culprit. Opting for trade is a viable solution to tackle such deficiencies in your economy.

Player Tip

CeliRain shares a helpful tip for players – holding the tab key can highlight buildings and show missing requirements. This quick overview can be a game-changer in identifying and resolving supply chain issues efficiently.