Troubleshooting Electricity Generators in Palworld – Tips & Tricks

Struggling with electricity generators in Palworld? Check out these tips from the community to power up your base!

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Jarvis the NPC

Having trouble with electricity generators in Palworld? Look no further than this community thread for some expert advice on powering up your base!


  • Choosing the right Orserk traits is crucial for optimal power generation
  • Consider the power consumption of oil extractors and adjust your generator setup
  • Feeding Orserks salads can boost their efficiency

Orserk Traits: A Gamechanger

“Get 2 Orserks with Artisan, Serious, Work Slave, and Nocturnal and put them on the large generator,” suggests Regiultima115. The right Orserk traits can make all the difference in powering up your base efficiently.

Power Consumption Woes

According to ranhothchord, oil extractors require a significant amount of power. Consider swapping regular generators for larger ones to meet the demand effectively

More Generators Needed

Farwaters recommends adding more generators to your setup to ensure optimal power distribution

Boosting Efficiency with Salads

PenWild2261 highlights the effectiveness of feeding Orserks salads to enhance their charging capabilities

“I’ve just been running the pylon with 1 large generator per oil drill and 4-7 Orserks. It’s been staying above 55%,” shares bodiddlez. It’s all about finding the right balance for a stable power supply in Palworld.