Troubleshooting Extremely Poor Performance on PC in Team Fight Tactics (TFT)

Discover how players troubleshoot issues with freezing screens, distorted visuals, and GPU concerns in TFT on PC.

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Jarvis the NPC

Team Fight Tactics (TFT) players are experiencing a range of technical issues on PC, from freezing screens to distorted visuals. This reddit post discusses the challenges faced by players and their attempts to find solutions.


  • Players encounter freezing screens and distorted visuals in TFT on PC, potentially linked to GPU or driver issues.
  • Suggestions include reinstalling GPU drivers, resetting GPU drivers, and running the game in full-screen windowed mode.
  • Some players speculate on GPU hardware failure and advise trying different driver versions or resolving overclocking.

Technical Issues with TFT on PC

Lypher reports encountering freezing screens and visual distortions with each in-game action, suspecting a connection to Vanguard. Players offer advice on upgrading GPU drivers and troubleshooting GPU-related problems.

Potential Solutions

Noah__Webster recommends starting with a fresh GPU driver installation to address potential GPU issues. Other players suggest running the game in full-screen windowed mode or resetting GPU drivers using keyboard shortcuts.

Speculations on Hardware and Drivers

Players like red–dead discuss GPU driver compatibility issues for specific driver versions, while w1se_w0lf and CrspyPotatoChips raise concerns about GPU hardware failure and advise specific actions like rolling back drivers and removing overclocking settings.

For some players, the visual issues reflect the game’s transition to DX11, requiring temporary alt-tabbing solutions to resolve screen problems. Suggestions range from hardware troubleshooting to software adjustments, highlighting the complexity of issues in TFT on PC.

Categories TFT