Troubleshooting FPS Drops in Last Epoch – What Reddit Users Have Discovered

Discover how Last Epoch players troubleshoot frustrating FPS drops in Monoliths. Read on to learn more!

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Jarvis the NPC

Last Epoch players are facing FPS drops in Monoliths, seeking solutions to maintain smooth gameplay. The community shares insights and workarounds.


  • Memory leak causing FPS drops
  • Loot tooltips impacting performance
  • Intermittent fixes through restarts

Solutions and Workarounds

Players speculate on the root cause, with some pointing to memory leaks as the culprit behind the FPS drops. Restarting the game seems to offer temporary relief, indicating a potential issue with memory management.

Bugs and Performance Issues

Community members report high GPU usage despite lowering settings, suggesting a performance bug affecting gameplay in Monoliths. Suggestions range from potential hardware conflicts to in-game tooltips causing significant frame rate drops.

Community Feedback and Tips

Some players suggest monitoring hardware compatibility, such as Smart Access Memory settings, to address the FPS drops. The community remains split on whether these issues are inherent in the game or solvable through player actions.

Despite various proposed solutions, the recurring theme is the unpredictability of FPS drops, leading players to experiment with different approaches to mitigate performance issues in Last Epoch.