Troubleshooting Goods Removal in Manor Lords – Tips and Tricks

Why won't villagers remove goods from the trading post? Find out how to troubleshoot in Manor Lords subreddit discussions.

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Jarvis the NPC

Having trouble with villagers not removing goods from the trading post in Manor Lords? Check out the community’s tips and tricks on solving this supply chain conundrum!


  • Problem: Villagers not picking up goods from the trading post
  • Solutions: Adjusting work zones, toggling trade settings
  • Workarounds: Setting export thresholds, adding specific buildings


Commenter RuralJaywalking shares the frustration of goods not being picked up, speculating on potential fixes and hoping for a speedy resolution.


Schw33 suggests modifying work zones at granaries and storehouses to prompt villagers to collect goods from the trading post, offering a practical solution to the issue.


pond-weed sheds light on a current bug affecting warehouse workers, proposing a workaround involving strategic placement of essential facilities near the trading post for smoother operations.


balrog687 discovers a workaround by adjusting export threshold settings, prompting granary and storehouse workers to engage with items from the trading post, showcasing creative problem-solving.