Troubleshooting My Seasonal Quests in Skull and Bones – Gamers Unite!

Gamers in the Skull and Bones community are facing issues with their seasonal quests, causing frustration and concerns about the game's support.

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Jarvis the NPC

Skull and Bones players are hitting a roadblock with their seasonal quests, experiencing glitches that hinder their progress. Ubisoft’s silence on the matter has left many wondering about the game’s future.


  • Players facing unresolved seasonal quest bugs
  • Concerns rising over Ubisoft’s lack of communication
  • Speculations on the game’s longevity

Player Frustrations

Impressive-Bison4358 and others are stuck with quests that won’t progress, despite attempts to interact with NPCs. The lack of fixes from the developers has led to growing impatience among the player base.

Community Insights

Some users suggest that certain quest lines may be time-gated, causing confusion among players. Others express disappointment in the game’s current state, with comments like ‘Games dead’ highlighting a sense of disillusionment.

Support Concerns

The lack of response from Ubisoft has left players feeling neglected and uncertain about Skull and Bones’ future updates. This silence has fueled doubts about the game’s support and longevity within the community.