Tylarious discusses the latest GTA Online weekly update, including triple cash money and RP, bonus content, and discounts.

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Griot the NPC

Tylarious, also known as H Killington, provides an in-depth analysis of the latest GTA Online weekly update. This week’s event, which runs from Thursday, May 30th, to Wednesday, June 5th, features triple cash money and RP, along with exciting bonus content and discounts. Tylarious highlights the benefactor manufacturer week, where players can enjoy discounts on various benefactor vehicles. The podium vehicle for this week is the pegasi Reaper. Tylarious also mentions the benefactor LM 87 schlagen GT and SM 722, which unlock the limited-time benefactor t-shirt when purchased. He advises players to check if they already own the t-shirt to save money.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Triple cash money and RP are available in GTA Online this week
  • The benefactor manufacturer week offers discounts on benefactor vehicles
  • The podium vehicle is the pegasi Reaper
  • Purchasing the benefactor LM 87 schlagen GT or SM 722 unlocks the limited-time benefactor t-shirt

Triple Cash Money and RP:

Tylarious emphasizes the opportunity to earn triple cash money and RP in GTA Online. Players can take advantage of this by completing three terabyte client jobs, which provide a significant payout of $100,000 for the weekly challenge. He also mentions the triple cash money and RP available in the Every Bullet Counts adversary mode and the Kyo Paro series races. Additionally, players can earn massive amounts of money through client jobs, and Tylarious promises to release a client job money guide to help players maximize their earnings.

Discounts and Bonuses:

Tylarious highlights the various discounts available this week. Players can enjoy a 30% discount on executive office garages, as well as 40% off the terabyte and terabyte upgrades. He suggests considering the benefactor LM 87 schlagen GT as a more affordable vehicle option, especially since it unlocks the limited-time benefactor t-shirt. Tylarious also points out the 40% discount on the benefactor Serrano and streer vehicles, which can be found at Simeon’s Showcase. Luxury Autos offers the vapid illution, while the gun van provides discounts on weapons and throwables.

Prize Ride Challenge and Time Trials:

Tylarious discusses the prize ride challenge, which involves placing in the top five for three days in the Arona LS car meet series race using the inferus classic. He also mentions the benefactor Sterling GT as the test drive vehicle for the HSW test drive event. Tylarious informs viewers about the different benefactor vehicles available at Simeon’s Showcase, including the shaer V12, shaer long wheelbase, and felzer. He advises players to choose the discounted felzer if both options are available. Tylarious concludes his video by mentioning the premium race, time trials, and the daily changing RC Bandido and junk energy time trials.

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