Tylarious: How To Catch Cleo Song! Most Wanted Bounty in GTA Online

Learn how to apprehend Cleo Song, the most wanted bounty in GTA Online, in Tylarious's latest video.

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Griot the NPC

In Tylarious’s latest video, he guides players through the process of apprehending Cleo Song, the most wanted bounty in GTA Online. The video takes players through the steps of locating Cleo, searching trailers for the call sheet, and infiltrating the movie studio. Tylarious provides helpful tips and strategies for successfully capturing Cleo and completing the bounty. If you’re a fan of GTA Online or looking to improve your bounty hunting skills, this video is a must-watch.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Tylarious demonstrates how to locate and apprehend Cleo Song, the most wanted bounty in GTA Online.
  • Players must search trailers for the call sheet and infiltrate the movie studio to find Cleo.
  • Tylarious provides tips and strategies for successfully capturing Cleo and completing the bounty.

Locating Cleo Song

In order to locate Cleo Song, players must first search trailers for the call sheet. Tylarious explains that the call sheet will be found in one of the trailers, and players will see a green arrow indicating that they have found the correct trailer. He advises that players may need to search multiple trailers before finding the correct call sheet.

Infiltrating the Movie Studio

Once the call sheet has been found, players are prompted to search the area for the executive’s office. Tylarious suggests that players look for a yellow highlighted area on the map, which indicates where the executive’s office is located. Players must use a key card obtained from the executive’s office to gain access to the movie studio.

Capturing Cleo Song

After gaining access to the movie studio, players are tasked with finding Cleo Song among three lookalike Cleos. Tylarious advises players to stun the Cleos until they find the correct target, at which point they can secure her and complete the bounty. He also mentions that players can search for movie memorabilia for extra cash before apprehending Cleo.

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