Tylarious: How to Catch Leroy O’Neil! Most Wanted Bounty in GTA Online!

Learn how to catch the notorious Leroy O'Neil in GTA Online's Most Wanted Bounty DLC in this exciting video by Tylarious.

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Griot the NPC

Tylarious, also known as Ty Killington, shares a comprehensive guide on how to catch Leroy O’Neil, the most wanted bounty in GTA Online’s latest DLC. Leroy O’Neil is a member of the infamous O’Neal family, who are known for their criminal activities. In this video, Tylarious takes us through the entire process of finding and capturing Leroy, from locating him in an abandoned motel to successfully bringing him back to the bail office. If you’re looking to earn some big rewards and take down a notorious criminal, this video is a must-watch.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Leroy O’Neil is the most wanted bounty in GTA Online’s Most Wanted Bounty DLC.
  • You can find Leroy in an abandoned motel.
  • Once captured, you need to transport Leroy back to the bail office while fending off enemy NPCs.
  • Be cautious of the Mark III vehicle’s wings, as they can cause issues during the mission.

Finding Leroy O’Neil in the Abandoned Motel

To start the mission, call in your armored Karuma or any other vehicle of your choice and head to the abandoned motel. Upon arrival, explore the motel until you trigger a cutscene where Leroy surprises you and locks you up in the O’Neal basement. You’ll need to find a way to escape.

Escaping the O’Neal Basement

While in the basement, you’ll be stripped of your weapons, clothes, and phone. However, you can grab a pool stick as a melee weapon. Head up the stairs and destroy the fuse box, which will open the gate for you. Pick up your phone and prepare to defend yourself against enemy NPCs who will rush you.

Retrieving Your Weapons and Capturing Leroy

After defeating the enemy NPCs, search adjacent rooms to find more weapons. Eventually, you’ll come across the keys that will allow you to leave the house. Exit through the back door and head towards the barn, where you’ll encounter the henchmen guarding Leroy. Dispatch them carefully without harming Leroy himself. Load him into the van and be prepared to fend off enemies on your way back to the bail office.

Returning Leroy to the Bail Office

During the drive back, you’ll encounter enemy NPCs trying to rescue Leroy. Defeat them and make your way back to the bail office. Be cautious of the Mark III vehicle’s wings, as they can cause instability. Once you successfully deliver Leroy to the bail office, you can celebrate your victory in capturing one of San Andreas’ most notorious criminals.

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