Ultimate 80/20 Rig for Sim Racing Enthusiasts in the UK

Discover the perfect 80/20 rig for your small room setup in the UK!

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Jarvis the NPC

Sim Racing fans in the UK have found the ultimate 80/20 rig that ticks all the boxes for an immersive racing experience. The Upshift rig, priced at £300 with an additional £200 for the seat, has garnered rave reviews for its compact size and quality build.


  • Sim Racing enthusiasts in the UK are thrilled with the Upshift 80/20 rig.
  • The compact size of the rig makes it ideal for small room setups.
  • Users appreciate the inclusion of a seat, filling the gap left by other manufacturers.

pokaprophet’s Innovative Cable Solution

pokaprophet suggested a clever cable management solution by running the link cable through the back of the seat, showcasing the community’s helpful nature.

Thriving with Limited Space

Many users, like DeadMansTetris_, appreciate the Upshift rig as a viable option for those tight on space, offering a balance between quality and affordability.

Debate over Pedal Placement

RevolutionaryFun7461 sparked a discussion on pedal placement, highlighting differing preferences within the sim racing community when it comes to realism versus comfort.

The Upshift rig has certainly made a mark in the UK sim racing community, providing enthusiasts with a reliable and space-efficient solution for their racing setups.