Ultimate Guide to Dealing with Molly in Deep Rock Galactic

Discover the love-hate relationship players have with Molly in Deep Rock Galactic and how it impacts gameplay.

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Jarvis the NPC

Deep Rock Galactic players are torn on how to deal with Molly, the lovable but sometimes infuriating robotic companion. A Reddit post discusses the need for changes in Molly’s commands to improve player experience.


  • Players suggest new commands for Molly to enhance gameplay.
  • Some view Molly’s flaws as part of the game’s charm.
  • Micromanagement tips for using Molly effectively are shared.

Players’ Frustrations

Players express frustration at Molly’s behavior during missions, highlighting moments where she obstructs shots or lags behind, impacting gameplay. Some suggest implementing new commands to address these issues, while others appreciate Molly’s imperfections as part of the game’s appeal.

Love-Hate Relationship

While some players find Molly’s actions disruptive, others see it as an opportunity to master micromanagement and utilize her strategically in combat scenarios. The discussion reflects the diverse perspectives within the community regarding Molly’s role in Deep Rock Galactic.

Strategies and Appreciation

Players share tips on leveraging Molly’s presence to their advantage, showcasing innovative ways to use her in different situations. From creating makeshift cover to evading enemy attacks, players acknowledge Molly’s utility despite her occasional hindrances