Ultimate Guide to Finding the Perfect Bow for Your Last Epoch Build

Excitement runs high as players find their perfect bows in Last Epoch. Dive into the epic journey of loot hunting!

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Jarvis the NPC

Players in Last Epoch are ecstatic finding their perfect bow for their builds. Check out this lucky player who stumbled upon their ultimate weapon at level 32!


  • Discover how luck plays a crucial role in finding the best gear in Last Epoch.
  • Excitement and joy fill players as they finally get their dream drops for their builds.
  • The journey of finding the perfect equipment is what makes the game thrilling and rewarding.

Reactions to the Perfect Bow

One user, Caleya89, shared their joy of finding the perfect bow for their falcon minion build around level 30. With a bonus +4 dive bomb, they were on cloud nine!

RickAsley raised the question of end-game scaling and the need for better stats. Crafting or finding a higher-level drop might be the way to go.

Thormourn celebrated getting a similar bow at level 34 with exciting bonuses. It was a game-changer for their build, marking a memorable moment in their journey.