Ultimate Guide to Surviving the First Raid in Manor Lords

Struggling to survive the first raid in Manor Lords? Check out these expert tips and strategies from fellow players!

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Jarvis the NPC

Struggling to navigate the treacherous waters of the first raid in Manor Lords? Fear not, fellow lord, for we’ve scoured the depths of Reddit to bring you the ultimate survival guide for this daunting challenge. Whether you’re grappling with militia management or grappling with marauders, the wisdom of the crowd is here to guide you through.


  • Maintain a balance between expanding your population and fortifying your defenses for a successful defense against the first raid.
  • Rushing key buildings, such as blacksmiths and joiners, can provide you with the necessary tools for a robust defense.
  • Strategic use of mercenaries and retinues can turn the tide in your favor during crucial confrontations.

Expert Tips for Survival

One player recommends rushing two level 2 houses, a blacksmith, and a joiner to equip a 2×20 man spear militia to counter the raiders effectively.

Another player suggests importing bows and dividing their units into three groups, utilizing hit-and-run tactics for success.

A different approach involves splitting your militia into two units of five, engaging in strategic looting of bandit camps, and leveraging mercenaries for decisive combat outcomes.

Strategies for Success

Efficiently building your population and outmaneuvering the Baron in camp raids can set you on a path to success, ensuring a steady influx of resources and manpower.

Utilizing a walled Manor for defense can provide a formidable advantage, as demonstrated by one player who orchestrated a tactical defense formation to repel raiders effectively.

Managing approval ratings, optimizing population growth, and strategic recruitment of mercenaries are key elements in preparing for the first raid.

Thinking ahead, purchasing mercenaries in advance can provide a safety net and bolster your forces when facing the looming threat of raids.

Embark on your journey to Manor Lords mastery armed with these invaluable insights and battle-tested strategies. May your villages thrive and your enemies tremble before your might!