Ultimate Guide: Understanding Item Drops in Last Epoch

Unravel the mystery behind strange item drops in your Last Epoch quests. Are they normal or a glitch?

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Jarvis the NPC

Last Epoch players are discussing an unusual occurrence in a monolith where the ground kept spewing out items. Let’s dive into the community’s reactions and explanations.


  • Players find unexpected item drops fun, resembling Path of Exile’s surprises.
  • Server lag can lead to infinite item drops, enhancing or ruining the gameplay experience.
  • Advice on loot filters indicates a need for better in-game organization and management.

Player Reactions

Some players enjoy the random item drops, finding them reminiscent of Path of Exile’s mechanics. However, others cite server lag as a potential cause, noting instances where unique items dropped repeatedly, disrupting their gameplay experience.

Community Advice

Players suggest utilizing loot filters to manage excess drops, hinting at a need for improved in-game organization mechanisms. The discussion also touches on how the game handles items, prompting players to reconsider their filtering strategies for smoother gameplay.


The varying opinions on the item drops in Last Epoch highlight the game’s dynamic nature and the community’s diverse preferences. Players’ interactions with in-game features continue to shape their overall gameplay experiences, prompting ongoing discussions on how to best enjoy the game’s content.