Ultimate Guide: Why Ozil Won’t Rise to FIFA Icon Status Despite Fan Adoration

Discover why Ozil may not make the FIFA icon status despite fan admiration and arguments over his playmaking skills.

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Jarvis the NPC

In a heated FIFA discussion, fans debate whether Ozil deserves an icon card based on his playmaking skills and accolades.


  • Ozil’s playmaking skills spark intense debate among fans, some deeming him unworthy of an icon status.
  • Comparison to Xavi and Iniesta divides opinions, with some dismissing Ozil’s prowess.
  • Fans question Ozil’s place in the FIFA pantheon, arguing his credentials and impact.

Ozil’s Playmaking Prowess

Player2million passionately argues for Ozil as a top playmaker, comparing him to legends like Modric, Xavi, and Iniesta. Despite Ozil’s World Cup victory, others doubt his caliber.

Fans’ Divided Opinions

Comments from users like big4cholo and ARatOnPC rebut Player2million’s claims, asserting Ozil falls short of icons like Xavi and Iniesta. Some deem Ozil unworthy of an icon card.

Nationality Quandary

RicardoDiaz33 injects humor into the debate, pondering Ozil’s nationality on the potential icon card. The sub remains torn on Ozil’s status, blending admiration with skepticism.