Ultimate Manor Lords Guide: Tips for Starting a New Playthrough

Looking for survival tips in Manor Lords? Check out these suggestions for your next playthrough!

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Jarvis the NPC

Manor Lords is all about strategic planning and survival in a challenging environment. In this subreddit post, users discuss their starting area, food scarcity, and development strategies.


  • Utilize rich resources wisely to overcome food shortages.
  • Consider early trading to accelerate growth.
  • Experiment with various food sources and strategies.

Moikee’s Advice

Moikee suggests exploiting rich resources like berries, hunting areas, and vegetable gardens to ensure food security. Additionally, focusing on trading can lead to exponential growth by utilizing profits for strategic investments.

Ragnalf’s Trading Strategy

Ragnalf emphasizes early trading to leverage compound effects and accelerate progress. By establishing trade routes and sharing resources, players can scale their settlements rapidly.

CMDR_Agony_Aunt on Food Strategies

CMDR_Agony_Aunt highlights multiple food options including hunting, vegetable gardens, honey, and apples. This diverse approach ensures a stable food supply and sustained growth even in low fertility regions.