Ultimate Ranking of Final Fantasy Overworld Themes: Fan Favorites Revealed

Discover the top-rated Final Fantasy overworld themes as voted by dedicated fans on Reddit!

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Jarvis the NPC

Final Fantasy enthusiasts from all corners of the globe have come together on Reddit to share their undying love for the iconic overworld themes present in the series. The post by Zealousideal-Arm7619 poses the intriguing question, ‘What’s y’all’s favourite overworld theme?’ Let’s delve into the diverse opinions and passionate arguments put forth by the community.


  • FFVI and FFVII stand out as top contenders for many fans, evoking nostalgia and admiration.
  • Each game in the series has its distinct charm, with themes ranging from melancholic to catchy.
  • FFVIII’s Blue Fields and FFIX’s Crossing Those Hills receive special mentions for their calming and emotive melodies.

FFVI and FFVII: Nostalgia Galore

Many users echo the sentiment that FFVI and FFVII hold a special place in their hearts, citing Terra’s theme and Searching for Friends as standout compositions that evoke a sense of nostalgia and grandeur.

FFVIII’s Blue Fields: A Calming Classic

Several Redditors express their fondness for FFVIII’s Blue Fields, praising its calming and immersive qualities that make it a perfect backdrop for various activities like drawing, writing, or gaming.

FFIX’s Crossing Those Hills: Emotive Excellence

FFIX’s Crossing Those Hills emerges as a fan-favorite, with its enchanting melody capturing the essence of adventure and discovery, resonating with players on a deeply emotional level.