Ultimate Sim Racing Console Setup Rating for Beginners

Join the ride as a beginner sets up an Xbox X for sim racing with unexpected twists and neat features.

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Jarvis the NPC

Imagine entering the world of Sim Racing with an unexpected twist of setting up on an Xbox X. VashBengher shares their journey with a plug-and-play approach, adding unique elements to their rig. Check out the details below to see how this beginner’s console setup is received by the Sim Racing community.


  • A console setup that surprises with its completeness and innovative additions.
  • Community marvels at the creativity and functionality of the rig despite being on console.
  • Opinions vary on the choice of Logitech components in a setup aiming for authenticity.

The Unexpected Xbox X Setup

VashBengher’s choice of setting up on an Xbox X for Sim Racing raised eyebrows but added a unique flavor to the rig. Despite initial skepticism, the console setup with various Logitech components and innovative additions received appreciation from the community.

Creative Touches Make a Difference

From the fire extinguisher to the clever use of components like the Logitech G Pro DD 11 nm, VashBengher’s setup showcased creativity and attention to detail. The mesh door and the wind simulator added a touch of realism that captivated onlookers.

Logitech in the Mix: A Point of Contention

While the console setup impressed many, some questioned the choice of Logitech components for a more authentic racing experience. The discussion around Logitech shifter and direct drive compatibility sparked mixed reactions, highlighting the diversity of opinions within the Sim Racing community.

The journey of a beginner setting up on an Xbox X for Sim Racing demonstrates the fusion of creativity and functionality in crafting a unique rig. The community’s feedback ranges from admiration for the inventive additions to debates on the choice of components. Ultimately, VashBengher’s setup exemplifies the joy of personalizing one’s Sim Racing experience, even with unconventional choices.