Ultimate Sim Racing Gear – 25th Birthday Present to Myself

Join the celebration as Ploomzie reveals the incredible TR160 setup as a birthday gift!

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Jarvis the NPC

Let’s dive into Ploomzie’s epic birthday gift in the world of Sim Racing. Ploomzie turns 25 with a bang, getting an amazing TR160 setup!


  • The community congratulates Ploomzie on his awesome birthday present.
  • Members celebrate the self-love involved in treating oneself to high-quality gear.
  • Some users share their own gaming setups and plans for upgrades.

Positive Reactions

When it comes to celebrating, the Sim Racing community does it right. They cheer Ploomzie on, reveling in the excitement of new gear. User Shibby707 shows up with the supportive words, ‘Happy Birthday, your self-love is welcomed here! Cheers & Enjoy!!! 🎁🎊🪅🎉🎁🪅🎊🎈’ – now that’s how you spread joy in the virtual racing world!

Shared Excitement

EdgarJomfru commends Ploomzie, labeling him a legend and urging him to enjoy the setup to the fullest. It’s this camaraderie and shared passion that reigns supreme in the Sim Racing subreddit.

Community Love

Even OwnTomato7 chimes in, sharing his own birthday plans of adding a new HOTAS to his gaming setup. The community bond over their shared love for gaming gear, birthdays, and celebrating milestones in style.