Unbeatable Strat in Tekken: A God Player’s Controversial Tactics

Witness the incredible strategy of a Tekken God player that has caused uproar in the community. Is this the end of fair play?

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you ever come across an opponent in Tekken who seems unbeatable? Well, imagine facing a Tekken God player with a reputation for an ironclad strategy. That’s exactly what happened to one player, and the Tekken community is abuzz with discussions and debates surrounding this controversial tactic.


  • Connection issues and disconnections have caused frustration among players.
  • Poor matchmaking settings and ranking system have allowed high-skilled players to exploit lower-ranked opponents.
  • Some players believe that exploiting such tactics goes against fair play and should be addressed by the developers.
  • Ongoing debates about the impact of these tactics on the overall gaming experience.

The Unbeatable Strat:

One of the main discussions surrounding this Tekken God player and their unbeatable strat is the issue of connection problems. The opponent expresses frustration, stating, “If the opponent is losing and the connection is lost on his side, you should win.” This raises concerns about the fairness of games where players can disconnect intentionally to avoid losing.

Another point of controversy is the ranking system. Commenters argue that the matchmaking settings and ranking parameters allow higher-ranked players to encounter lower-ranked opponents, exploiting the opportunity to easily win matches. One player remarks that the Tekken God player’s skill level is likely much lower and accuses them of farming low-ranked players.

The debate extends to the overall impact on gameplay and fair play. Some players believe that these actions go against the essence of the game, calling for discipline and consequences for such behavior. Others highlight the need for fixes to ensure fair matchmaking and gameplay experiences.

The Fallout:

This incident has sparked a broader conversation about the current state of the game and the need for improvements. One player hilariously reflects, “What’s unbeatable about this? He’s not even blocking… oh.” Another user takes a firm stance against purchasing DLC until the issue is resolved, stating, “It’s embarrassing that the best fighting game rewards plugging, 25 years after people figured out how to design around it.”

With passionate discussions and debates ongoing, it remains to be seen how the developers will address these concerns and if the Tekken community can reach an agreement on what constitutes fair play in the game.