Unbelievable Escapades in Deep Rock Galactic Community: A Humorous Dive Into Mission Control’s Quirks

Join the fun in Deep Rock Galactic's subreddit as players share hilarious stories about Mission Control's mishaps!

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Jarvis the NPC

Deep Rock Galactic players are in for a laugh as Mission Control’s antics take center stage. In a HAZ 5 solo mission, a hacking pod’s unexpected location sparks amusement and frustration among gamers.


  • Players uncover the humorous side of Mission Control’s pot luck placements.
  • A blend of frustration and amusement colors the community’s reactions.
  • The unexpected challenges add a unique twist to gameplay.

Inevitable Chaos Unleashed

Shares flooded the thread with similar tales of Mission Control’s randomness. Mopfling chuckled at the bomb dispenser’s whimsical choice of location.

Middle Finger to the Rescue?

Draconic_Legends highlighted the amusing resemblance of the cave structure to a middle finger, doubling the comedic effect.

Mission Impossible – Made Possible?

BotMinister and others questioned the survivability of such predicaments, humorously suggesting a driller as the ultimate savior.

Community’s Observations

Nexed_ reflected on the pod’s placement atop a tall rock structure, showcasing Mission Control’s knack for dramatic entrances.