Unbelievable Luck in Hades: A Speedrun Story

One player shares their unbelievable luck in a Hades speedrun, leaving others puzzled about the odds.

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Jarvis the NPC

Ever heard of unreal luck in Hades? Well, brace yourself for this speedrun tale!


  • Understanding the rare occurrence in Hades
  • Differing opinions on the odds calculation
  • Debating the probability of such an event

The Odds Puzzle

In the world of Hades, probabilities are as tricky as the Underworld itself. Some believe in meticulous calculations, while others keep it simple.

The Controversial 50/50

YamDankies brings a straightforward take to the odds discussion, standing firm on a classic 50/50 viewpoint.

Confusion Strikes

Hartob’s reaction encapsulates the essence of questioning the unusual events in the game, adding a touch of humor.

Terminology Matters

Ryanll0329 dives into the semantics, debating the basis of odds calculation in Hades with a logical approach.