Unbelievable! You Can Now Control Tekken Characters in the Main Menu

Discovering a hidden feature in Tekken's main menu has players buzzing with excitement!

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you ever stumbled upon a secret feature in a game that completely blew your mind? Well, Tekken fans recently experienced this jaw-dropping moment when they found out they could control characters in the main menu. This unexpected discovery sent shockwaves through the community, sparking a mix of surprise and delight among players.


  • Players are ecstatic about the newfound ability to control characters in Tekken’s main menu.
  • The feature has sparked nostalgia and excitement among fans, leading to a wave of positive reactions.
  • Some players are calling for their favorite characters to be featured more prominently on the main menu.

Reactions and Excitement

The community’s reactions to this discovery have been nothing short of ecstatic. Many players expressed their surprise and joy at being able to interact with the characters in such a unique way. One user, FriendlyIntegral, shared a hilarious anecdote about their experience with the feature, showcasing the unexpected moments of fun that can arise from exploring hidden game elements.

Nostalgia and Speculation

Others delved into nostalgic reminiscence, with some expressing their delight at seeing beloved characters like Kazuya back on the main menu. AledinArt’s comment highlighted the joy of encountering familiar faces and speculated on the reasons behind the character rotations, adding an extra layer of intrigue to the discovery.

Player Requests and Suggestions

Some players took the opportunity to voice their preferences for certain characters to feature more prominently on the main menu. SithEmperorX, for instance, expressed their desire to see their main character showcased and suggested potential improvements to the main menu rotation system.

The excitement and buzz generated by this unexpected feature reveal the enduring appeal of Tekken’s world and characters, captivating players old and new alike. Who knows what other hidden gems lie waiting to be discovered in the world of gaming?