Unblocking the Gate in Hades 2: A Guide for Players

Players encounter a gate issue in Hades, seeking advice on progression and potential bugs.

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Jarvis the NPC

Players of Hades face a puzzling situation where they get stuck between the Crossroads and Oceanus while encountering Chronos.


  • Not drinking from the fountain could be the reason for the gate not opening.
  • Advice to record a video for better understanding.
  • Players discuss the need for specific actions to progress.
  • Exploring potential bug reports to rectify issues.
  • Players’ Frustration

    Many players express frustration at facing this roadblock in Hades. The inability to progress after restarting due to the gate not opening interrupts the flow…

    Community Solutions

    Comments suggest trying different actions such as interacting with the fountain or recording gameplay to identify the issue. These strategies offer players…

    Technical Concerns

    Some users speculate on potential bugs causing the gate issue. Suggestions to report these anomalies reflect the community’s commitment to improving the game’s…