Unboxing the Mystery: Cordelius was Crazy Dave in Brawl Stars!

Unravel the latest speculation on how Brawl Stars character Cordelius is secretly Crazy Dave. Fan reactions included!

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Jarvis the NPC

In a surprising turn of events, the Brawl Stars community has erupted in discussion around character Cordelius’ hidden identity – is he Crazy Dave all along? Amusingly, the flames of speculation were fanned by a post spotted where user “y_Arthuzin” succinctly stated: “Cordelius was Crazy Dave all the time bro”.


  • Resounding Echoes of ‘Webi Wabo’
  • Increasingly Mind-Bending Theories
  • Taco Humor and Game Theories
  • Desires for a Crazy Cordelius Look-Alike

Where it all Began

It all started with a cryptic two-word comment from user ‘ANormalCrum’ that simply said “webi wabo“. This bewildering battle cry was later echoed in agreement by user ‘OtisFan013’. Though the meaning remains hidden to the uninitiated, it certainly sparked a playful debate.

The Wilder Theories

User ‘Leonsebas0326’ joked that the speculation on Brawl Stars “has more weed each time” highlighting the increasing complexity and outlandishness of fan theories. ‘Masterdizzio’, meanwhile, remarked,”new theory just dropped!“, adding fuel to the theorizing fire.

Tacos and Theories

Injecting a dose of humor, ‘Negative_Magician_44’ chimed in with “We’re getting the taco with this one“, effectively turning up the heat. ‘Diehard_Darryl_Main’ added to the fun with a fan-favorite phrase: “But hey, that’s just a theory…*A GAME THEORY*“, reminding everyone of the playful nature of such discussions.

The speculations went one step further. User ‘JCorby17’ floated the idea of a revamped character – “We need Crazy Cordelius and have it kinda look like Crazy Dave“. Now, wouldn’t that be something to see?

Whether these theories hold any weight is yet to be seen. Until then, it’s clear that the Brawl Stars community is ready for a game brawl filled with outlandish theories, taco humor, and wistful wishes for a Crazy Cordelius sighting. Game on!