Unclaimed Rewards in Clash Royale: A Community Debate

Popular mobile game Clash Royale grapples with calls for a streamlined 'Claim all' button.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the dynamic, card-slinging world of “Clash Royale”, a recent discussion has arisen concerning the lack of a ‘Claim all’ button in the game. This feature, which would allow players to claim all their rewards with one click, is, notably, not juxtaposed with the multiple chest claims players have to make and the literal discomfort it can cause.


  • The majority of players find the absence of a ‘Claim all’ button inconvenient.
  • Some users attribute the lack of this feature to strategic design choices, suggesting its potential to extend game interaction time.
  • Others display sarcasm about the issue, hinting at the company’s sluggish response to address it.

User Reactions

Some responses were coated with sarcasm, such as the one from ciberkid22 who referred to Supercell, a billion-dollar company, as a ‘small indie company’. Equally satirical was Random_Guy_Talking5‘s comment suggesting that such a button, if implemented, might be an expensive feature exclusively for ‘Emerald Pass’ holders.

Building Theories

Some users, like DehydratedWater248, had their theories, one of which was that making players claim rewards multiple times exaggerates the perception of rewarding quantities. This might lead players to think they are getting more than they actually do. By implication, this could also increase a player’s interaction time with the game.

Implications for Game Design

The discussion around the lack of a ‘Claim all’ button signifies the ongoing tension between game design choices and user experience. As several comments have pointed, the absence of the convenient ‘Claim all’ indicates a design choice aimed at maximizing game interaction but at the expense of user experience that includes, not limited to, finger fatigue after multiple screen taps to claim all individual rewards.

This issue, while seemingly minor, sparks greater considerations in the design process – whether developers prioritize user comfort and experience or engagement statistics and profits. Despite the varied arguments and playful banter, one thing remained constant in the subreddit: a sense of community among players sharing their experiences and perspectives on a game they are passionate about balancing between the ideals of user-centric design and business profitability.