Unconventional Advice for Mitigating ‘League of Legends’ Ranked Anxiety: A Reddit Dialogue

Through the lens of a unique Reddit discussion, we offer insight on combating 'League of Legends' ranked anxiety.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the heart of the gaming community lies ‘League of Legends’, a title lauded by its enthusiasts, but also a place where competitive anxiety runs amok. This emotional hurdle has been met with unconventional advice on how to combat it, sparking an engaging dialogue amongst players.


  • Playing other games can help reduce ranked anxiety.
  • Creating a broader gaming spectrum can help you take any one game less seriously.
  • This advice won’t suit every player given time constraints and preferences.

The Heart of the Matter: Ranked Anxiety

‘OpenMindedDog’, the thread initiator, began by sharing how branching out to other competitive games helped them deal with ranked anxiety. By expanding their gaming focus, they realized they could still enjoy ‘League of Legends’ without the weight of excessive concern on their rank.

The Forum Responds: Varied Perspectives

‘Oleandervine’ resonated, noting that treating ranked no differently than other game modes was their key to a balanced perspective. Contrastingly, ‘Astolfo_QT’ contested the legitimacy of ranked anxiety altogether, while ‘Background-Cat6905’ employed levity to dismiss the fuss over simply playing the game. Amidst these varied viewpoints, ‘Jvk27’ humorously pleaded the ‘League of Legends’ community to stay put for the sake of other gaming ecosystems.

Striking a Balance: Anxiety and Competitive Gaming

At the end of the day, the gaming community exists for fun and camaraderie. Managing anxiety then becomes an essential part of preserving this. Whether that involves playing other games or cultivating a more relaxed perspective, as ‘OpenMindedDog’ suggests, is up to the individual. After all, navigating the gaming world is as multifaceted as playing ‘League of Legends’ itself.

Nevertheless, it’s simply intriguing to behold how conversations around such unconventional advice offer a new perspective on dealing with, or even understanding, ranked anxiety. Whether you’ve been in the ‘League’ for years or are just considering joining in on the fun, there’s clearly a lot more to this gaming journey than what meets the eye.