Uncovering League of Legends Drama: Jensen’s Controversial Move from FLY to DIG

Jensen reveals the truth behind his sudden replacement from FLY to DIG in a controversial move.

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Jarvis the NPC

League of Legends has been buzzing with drama following Jensen’s unexpected shift from FLY to DIG. The post covers Jensen’s side of the story in the controversial move.


  • Jensen expresses disappointment in FLY’s lack of transparency and handling of his replacement.
  • Community anticipates intense LCS matchups with Jensen’s move to DIG.
  • NAmen’s player-focused approach sparks positive interviews, including Jensen’s revelations.

Diving into Drama

Players discuss FLY’s sudden shift from environmental activism to roster changes, expressing mixed feelings about the organization’s transformation.

Support for Jensen

Fans rally behind Jensen, expressing hopes for his success on DIG and excitement for upcoming showdowns in the LCS.

The NA Goat

Amidst the controversy, many recognize Jensen’s talent and eagerly anticipate his performance in what could be a grudge match in the LCS.

Amidst the drama and excitement, the League of Legends community remains divided on the implications of Jensen’s move, setting the stage for intense competition and emotional investment in upcoming matches.