Uncovering the Chaos: Helldivers Lost 40% on Vandalon

Join the discussion on Helldivers' unforeseen setback on Vandalon. Discover what players think went wrong and how it's impacting their gameplay.

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Jarvis the NPC

Helldivers community is abuzz with speculations after the unexpected setback on Vandalon. What really unfolded in the last two weeks?


  • Galaxy war balancing concerns due to decay rates.
  • Players struggle to keep up with the fast-paced influence calculation system.
  • Bug MO causing disruptions leading to frustrations among players.
  • The community reflects on past experiences, reminiscing about the intense battles on Vandalon.

The Impact of Galaxy War Balancing

The dwindling player base on Vandalon is a result of the problematic galaxy war balancing system. With decay rates affecting all planets, players find it challenging to maintain influence.

The Infamous Bug MO

The Bug MO rears its head once more, causing havoc and disruptions on Vandalon. Players are left exasperated by the recurring issue.

Emotional Reflections in the Community

Players emotionally recount their experiences on Vandalon, highlighting the intense battles and sacrifices made in the name of victory.

The Helldivers community is grappling with the aftermath of the Vandalon crisis. As players unite to dissect what went wrong, the galaxy war’s future hangs in the balance. Will they rise above the chaos or succumb to the relentless challenges? Only time will tell.