Uncovering the Mysterious Rock Formation in Deep Rock Galactic: A Cheesy Surprise?

Delve into the depths of Deep Rock Galactic and unravel the mystery of the strange rock formation. Is it cheese or something more peculiar?

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Jarvis the NPC

Explorers in Deep Rock Galactic stumbled upon a peculiar rock formation that sparked curiosity among players. Could it be cheese or something more? Dive into the discussion swirling around this mysterious discovery.


  • Players speculate wildly about the origin of the strange formation.
  • Suggestions range from cheese to rare salt towers.
  • Some joke about Engineer antics, adding a humorous twist to the mystery.

Player Theories: Digging Into the Cheese

Many players jokingly suggested that the rock formation was actually a colossal amount of cheese, adding a whimsical twist to the exploration. User Independent_Toe_4014 simply exclaimed, “Cheese!” while GrizzlyThunder1 reiterated the sentiment with a straightforward, “Cheese.” The playful banter surrounding the mysterious object added a light-hearted touch to the discussion.

Engineer Shenanigans or Unusual Geological Formation?

User UpbeatAstronomer2396 humorously pointed out something unusual with the Engineer model, implying that the strange rock could be a result of the Engineer’s tinkering. The playful comments like these injected humor into the speculation, painting a picture of the Engineer’s misadventures within Deep Rock Galactic.

The Curious Case of Plastecrete Foam MkII

thiccian brought a clever twist to the discussion by suggesting that the rock formation might be Plastecrete Foam MkII, a humorous nod to the in-game materials used by the players. This meta-comment added a layer of depth to the speculation, blending game elements with real-world humor in deciphering the mysterious formation.

The diverse mix of theories and jokes circulating around the mysterious rock formation in Deep Rock Galactic showcases the community’s creativity and camaraderie in unraveling the game’s quirks and surprises. Whether it’s cheese, a rare geological phenomenon, or the Engineer’s playful experimentation, players find joy in exploring the unknown and sharing their wildest speculations.