Uncovering the Mystery: Is Shurkou Really 41 in Team Fight Tactics (TFT)?

Is Shurkou truly 41 in Team Fight Tactics (TFT), or is it just a clever joke? Let's find out what the players think.

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Jarvis the NPC

Team Fight Tactics (TFT) players are questioning Shurkou’s age after a peculiar statement in his latest video. Could he really be 41?


  • Players speculate if Shurkou’s age claims are genuine or playful banter.
  • Comparisons with content creators like Midbeast add context to the age-related jokes.
  • The community humorously attributes Shurkou’s youthful appearance to his mustard consumption.

Players’ Reactions to Shurkou’s Age

Many users on the subreddit believe Shurkou’s age claim is likely a joke, with one user pointing out similarities to another content creator, saying, “Nah, it’s a joke, Midbeast does the same sort of thing.” The community jokingly suggests Shurkou’s consumption of mustard as a fountain of youth, with one user quipping, “Its all the mustard he consumes in a day that keeps him looking so young.”

Questioning the Truth

Some players question the validity of Shurkou’s statement, with one expressing skepticism, “He wish. That young skin, at 40+…nope.” Others even suggest consulting familial sources for verification, like one user who humorously shares, “Brotherman, have you not thought to ask your mother? I asked mine she said it’s true he is 41.”

Community Speculations

Despite the banter, there are mixed opinions on Shurkou’s gameplay abilities, with one user simply stating, “Shurkou isn’t even that good :/” showcasing varying perspectives within the community.

Categories TFT