Underdog Heroes: Genshin Impact Players Discuss 4-Star Characters that Deserve a 5-Star Rating

A deep-dive into fan-favourite 4-star Genshin Impact characters that players passionately argue deserve to be 5-star.

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Jarvis the NPC

In a recent conversation on the Genshin Impact community forum, members have been discussing the matter of 4-star characters they secretly wish were 5-star. Xinboy33 initiated the passionate discussion by highlighting a few characters that deserve extra stars.


  • Chongyun, Ningguang, and Kaeya are top choices for an upgrade.
  • Gameplay and design details significantly impact player sentiment.
  • Fan theories include character downgrade for marketing strategies.
  • Community desires for a 5-star kit reveal for potential improvement.

User Picks

From minor favorites to popular picks, Genshin Impact players have a diverse set of preferences for their 5-star upgrade wishes. Karillith pegs Sara and Candace as 5-star material ‘from a pure design standpoint’. Meanwhile, both Yanfei and Heizou, make the cut for DullPreparation6453 due to their gameplay, despite feeling ‘undercooked in power because they’re 4 stars.’.

<h2.Powerful Insights

Cubepixelz argues about the lack of justice for Ninggiang, particularly given her role as Tianquan, citing her power exhibited during the Liyue archon quest. Ssalari believes that Kaeya and Razor’s uniqueness make them deserving of 5 stars, while also expressing a wish for Traveler to be a ‘real 5-star’.

Character Design and Gameplay

J0k3d acknowledges the limitations of the existing gameplay, saying it ‘doesn’t benefit infusion supports’, a factor that could have lifted Candace into 5-star status. 1lluusio shares similar sentiments regarding Sara, critiquing the execution of her kit and the duration of buffs, thereby making it harder to integrate in a team. On a different note, Pray_To_RNGesus_ wishes Deyha had a ‘proper power budget’, insinuating that her abilities were limited due to her being a 4-star character.

All in all, it’s evident that Genshin Impact players have an emotional investment when it comes to their favorite characters, especially those they feel could shine even brighter with a few more design tweaks. Whether the developers heed these suggestions or continue to stir the pot with their character rankings is yet to be seen, but one thing is clear – the world of Genshin Impact is filled to the brim with potential for depth and complexity, giving players plenty of opportunities to delve deeper and explore the limits of their favourite heroes.