Understanding Fan Reactions to Apex Legends’ Latest LTM Release

An exploration of player reactions and sentiments towards the newest limited-time mode in Apex Legends.

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Jarvis the NPC

There’s been a storm brewing in the Apex Legends community over the latest Limited Time Mode (LTM), and fan reactions have been notably mixed. The post ‘Definitely my least favorite LTM.’ by ‘PeekingPotato45’, serves as a platform for gamers to express their likes or discontent.


  • An apparent lack of option for toggling the LTM mode ignites frustration among players.
  • Gameplay elements such as the overpowering sword and relentless aim bots trigger complaints concerning game integrity.
  • The LTM mode presents gameplay length and pricing issues that users deem excessive.

Divergent Opinions

While ‘SimonApexPlayer‘ shares PeekingPotato45’s longing for the regular trios, others such as ‘yes_what‘ relish the drastic changes brought by the LTM, describing the new gameplay mechanics as ‘refreshing.’

Value Proposition

User ‘Deliriou5_‘ brings an interesting perspective into the mix, suspecting that the $300 heirloom’s subdued reception is due to the overshadowing LTM complaints.

Game Mode Polarization

Commenters such as ‘Goonchar‘ suggest alternative gaming activities, with an evident division in the ranks between those who advocate for the mode as a break from tradition and those who oppose it.

Amidst the commotion, it’s fair to say that the Apex Legends community is not afraid to voice their thoughts, and their energetic posts and discussions are a testament to their passion for the game. While there seems to be a general consensus about issues with the LTM, positive feedback also resonates, indicating that not all gamers see changes as a stroke of misfortune.