Understanding Last Epoch Software Development Struggles: Empathy vs Entitlement

The Last Epoch team faces intense scrutiny amidst technical challenges. Users express empathy and frustration.

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Jarvis the NPC

Last Epoch players empathize with the struggles of the development team as they navigate through technical challenges, highlighting the complexities of software development and the disconnect between player expectations and the development process.


  • Empathy towards the dev team’s challenges in software development
  • Recognition of the complexity of distributed systems
  • Criticism towards entitled player reactions
  • A call for understanding the intricacies of game development

Empathy and Understanding

Despite not being directly involved in software development, many users expressed empathy towards the Last Epoch team, acknowledging the pressure and challenges they face. One user noted the time and financial investment developers put into the game, sympathizing with the difficulties they encounter.

Player Entitlement

On the other hand, there were comments highlighting the entitled attitudes of some players. Comparisons were drawn to retail experiences where customers demand immediate satisfaction, mirroring the impatience some gamers display. Users criticized the review bombing and unrealistic expectations of instantaneous perfection in game launches.

Complexity of Game Development

Several users highlighted the intricacies of game development, particularly the challenges posed by distributed systems and scaling issues. The need for specialized roles like devops engineers to manage infrastructure was emphasized, shedding light on the technical complexities that non-technical individuals may overlook.

The comments on the Reddit post portrayed a mix of empathy, frustration, and a call for greater understanding between players and developers. While some empathized with the challenges faced by the Last Epoch team, others criticized the entitled behavior of certain players who fail to grasp the complexities of software development. The discourse exemplified the gap between player expectations and the reality of game development. It serves as a reminder of the nuanced processes and challenges involved in creating and maintaining online games. The collective sentiment urged for empathy and comprehension, highlighting the need for a collaborative and supportive community within the gaming industry.