Understanding Rank Resets in Valorant: Why Did I Drop x Ranks?

Discover the logic behind rank resets in Valorant and why players experience rank drops.

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Jarvis the NPC

A photo of the Valorant Map Icebox

Valorant community members are puzzled about rank resets and the subsequent rank drops post-reset. Let’s delve into the reasoning behind this phenomenon!


  • Rank resets push top-tier players down, causing a cascading effect.
  • Lower-ranked players experience less displacement due to fewer high-level players.
  • Ranks visually shift post-reset, but MMR remains constant.

Ascendant 1 and Rank Resets

The post clarifies that Ascendant 1 becomes the highest placement post-reset, pushing Immortals and Radiants down. This displacement impacts lower Ascendants, cascading down to lower ranks, causing rank shifts for many players.

Player Reactions

Players like user ‘Idekanymorelol1’ express frustration at facing lower-skilled Immortal players at lower ranks, hoping for fairer matchups to climb. The discrepancy in skill levels post-reset can lead to challenging gameplay experiences.

Gameplay Anomalies Post-Reset

User ‘BIGGIE_CH33S3’ shares amusing but frustrating experiences after the reset, encountering players unfamiliar with basic gameplay mechanics despite their rank. These anomalies contribute to the confusion and dissatisfaction players face post-reset.

Perspective on Rank Placements

‘AfricaDOTcoDOTuk’ proposes a radical idea of allowing players to be placed directly in Immortal and Radiant tiers, suggesting a potential shift in rank placement mechanics to streamline the process and potentially match players more accurately.

Rank resets in Valorant bring about various challenges and surprises for players each episode, sparking debates on the fairness and effectiveness of the current ranking system. Understanding the intricacies of rank resets can help players navigate these transitions with more clarity and patience.